Its founder (Dr). Ramas Michael Okoye Asuzu (Ezeoba) conceived this vision in the 2010 but brought it to bear in 2013 as a creative idea. The vision was intended to develop a global strategy during the 21st century, to create conditions that would accomplish realistic international economic development through development of sustainable Socio-Cultural engagements that engenders peace and development throughout the third world urban and rural communities, from a humanitarian capitalistic perspective.

In this way, we believe that we, as a creative, innovative and philosophical-minded organization, dedicated to the service of humanity, can eradicate Cultural illiteracy, hunger and diseases in Nigeria and the third world countries.

Our Name: The name Foundation For World Peace was selected based on the geographical location of the continents of the world, Africa being the foremost of the continents and the cradle of civilization. As we have United Nations as a governmental body, we are a united people with a common concept-Cultural and core values, as a tool for National Cultural renaissance; and devotedly non-governmental.

Our Motto: Service To Humanity 

Our Scope: We are a global membership organization whose desire is to achieve 1.2 billion members by the year 2025. 

Our Status: TheF4WP Foundation is a non-profit international humanitarian organization that is currently headquartered in Anaocha-Nigeria and developing activities throughout the world. 

The F4WP Foundation seeks non-governmental observer status at the United Nations, European Union, Organization of American States, Asian & Pacific Cultural Development Cooperation, The African Union, League of Arab States and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, a Multilingual Cross-Cultural Cooperation for the enhancement of Peace.

Bilateral Cooperation: TheF4WP Foundation intends to develop a bilateral working cooperation with the World Bank, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), European Union Humanitarian Affairs Office and other global institutions.